Lost Westwillow can be found in a gigantic sinkhole beneath the Ironpool Dam... |
Minus tells you the story of Lost Westwillow at his house on the western lakeshore at Greenriven |
Speak the Dwarven blessing you learn from Minus, and Brudo will open the gates to the lower levels |
Whenever you're ready to venture into these dark places (ideally with improved stealth, magick, and possibly the "Turn Undead" Divination spell), you can enter the lower levels though the gates that Brudo opened a short distance behind his own chamber (just northeast of the entrance of the ground level of Ironpool dam). We'll also warn in advance: If you're doing a strict zero kill run and don't want to destroy anything (including undead), you should probably have some decent lock picking skill in order to claim the Cerulescent Bell and several other treasures you can find by descending toward Lost Westwillow....
After you descend the stairwells to Ironpool's lower level, you'll have to head south into some larger chambers with some black slimes squelching in watery pools and corridors. (At least one of them is carrying a key, but you can pick open any locks you find here yourself, as long as you have enough lock picking skill.) The first passage leading southeast is blocked, so you'll have to go southwest first. You'll come to a room with a powder keg and two paths:
In the north, you can open a gate with a lever to find a burial chamber and some urns belonging to Dwarves who dies building the Ironpool Dam. (If you're a grave-robbing thief despite any pacifist run scruples, you'll be attacked by several Dwarven Spirits that manifest if you look inside their urns.)
In the south, you'll come to a locked door in the south-eastern passage, but you can pick it open.
Heading northeast from the lower passage beyond this, you'll find a side chamber with an ominous deep pit in the room, but your player character will examine it and deem the ladder too rotted to hold your weight, so you will have to continue onward to find a way into Lost Westwillow. Further ahead, you'll also pass the blocked passage from earlier on as you proceed northeast, to a large room with waterflow control gates operated by nearby levers.
For some reason the Ironpool Dwarves kept weapon racks here, and if you proceed through the northwest closed gate (after again operating a lever nearby to open it), you'll soon find out why: Restless and angry undead from the depths will soon be encountered in the chamber beyond.
Beyond the lowest levels of the dam, you'll find the haunted ruins of Lost Westwillow... |
After you get past the gated chamber containing undead in the lower levels of Ironpool, you'll find yourself on a dark narrow path leading into a huge underground sinkhole that has formed a giant cavern underneath the lake. The drowned ruins ruins of Lost Westwillow fell into this sinkhole long ago, and the place is filled with angry and restless undead.
An underground waterfall in the sinkhole containing the ruins... |
A good example of a situation where the Dense Nimbus and Turn Undead spells are both useful |
Mayor Theotus is undead like the other denizens of Lost Westwillow, but he will be civil toward you and tell you the story of Lost Westwillow:
Mayor Theotus tells you about the Curse of the Prospector |
An invisible mage explores the southeast ruins haunted by The Prospector |
"The Curse of the Prospector"
The only way to solve this quest is to "banish" the evil ghost that is causing the haunting. If you destroy the Prospector, it will count as one "kill" against you even though he's a ghost. (We tested it in the past to find out what happens in the story, but if you don't want to do it, you'll still easily be able to win the game as a purist zero kill run without completing this quest.)
If you decide to confront the Prospector, you'll find him lurking inside the eerie illuminated ruins in the southeast, with several locked buildings amidst some dead trees:
The Prospector will summon undead to attack you if you confront him... |
The "Wraithbiter" Spear
One possible way to gain an advantage over the prospector (or just to claim a unique relic worth a lot of gold , if you're giving that battle a miss) is to venture to the northeast corner of the map beneath the river, near where the subterranean waterfall tumbles over the cliffs. You'll find a narrow tunnel containing several dangerous barriers of electrical energy: On the other side of the barriers is a magickal weapon called Wraithbiter that can be effective against undead.
The unique magickal spear "Wraithbiter" |
The Treasure Room & The Secret Island (Cerulescent Bell)
Even if you chose not to take on the Prospector, you can still raid his treasure room by picking the lock of the building just northeast of his main lair, and find his hoard of gold inside two treasure chests.
An invisible mage melts locks and removes the Prospectors ill-gotten gold without fighting... |
The southernmost locked building in the Prospector's ruin will let you climb a ladder to this secret island in the middle of Greenriven Lake, and claim the Cerulescent Bell from this chest... |